
Totally Free

This free service is ideal for developers who want to try the service. It's only good for 100 requests per hour.

  • Currency values are refreshed every 30 minutes.
  • Maximum 10 query conversions per request
  • Shared with all users who are acccessing it for free
  • Unmonitored
  • Downtime when there's a need to restart the server for bug fixes and enhancements

Starts at $5/month

Premium shared server is ideal for production servers and applications which expect a high volume of requests per hour

  • Best value
  • Default refresh rate of 15 minutes.
  • Choose the number of requests per hour you need.
  • Choose the number of conversion pairs per request you need.
  • high performance server
  • Performance is monitored and server is upgraded and scaled up accordingly
  • Less downtime than the free server but still have occasional maintenance

Totally Free

This free service is ideal for developers who want to try the service. It's only good for 100 requests per hour.

  • You have your own server
  • Not shared with anyone. Only you have the access
  • Zero downtime unless you request to apply a bug fix / enhancement
  • Default refresh rate of 15 minutes.
  • Maximum allowed query conversion per request.
  • Custom domain / subdomain.
  • Flexible zone deployment (US, Europe, Asia).

Please note that the services here are provided as is and without warranty (See Terms of Service). You only pay for the cost of the server. But I will try to help to the best of my ability if you need any support.

For further inquiries, you can contact me